Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Graduation Day at Ritsumeikan!

 After a couple of weeks in Kobe where Yuma`s family has helped me recovering from my surfing accident in Bali I am now back in Kyoto again ready for another semester at Ritsumeikan.
However, while some of us are going back to school there are a lot of my Japanese friends who are graduating, and will start their working-life as so-called 社会人s in April. My boyfriend Yuma is one of them; he is moving to Tokyo in a couple of weeks to start working for Hitachi. Life in Kyoto will not be the same without him, but at least Tokyo is not too far away so we can still visit each other from time to time..
Today was the big graduation day at Ritsumeikan, and although I got to school a bit late I still got the chance to congratulate most of my graduating friends. The Japanese job system seems pretty rough, especially compared to what I am used to from my home country.. I really hope that their working-days won't be as hard as I imagine it might be..
Yuma got some flowers, so we used them to cover my arm.. haha..
Anyway, today is going to be a day for celebration, and tonight we are having a big party! So this blog-post turned out quite short, since I'm leaving for the party soon and I have to get ready.
Party, party! ...Well, truth is, since I went through a surgery just a couple of weeks ago I will have to take it a bit easy.. No dancing tonight I suppose.
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