Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hair Modeling for Lycée!

During the last month I have had the chance to do a bit of modeling in my spare time: In the beginning of April I had a great day as a model for a wedding company in Kyoto, and I have also been doing some modeling for a beauty salon close to Kobe called Lycée. I got introduced to the owner of the company by one of my friends, who previously had been doing some modeling for them, and it seemed like they were quite interested in foreign models. You get styled up with a wig, which the hairdresser then arrange and cut to fit the style of the photo shoot. Although the modeling in itself is unpaid, participants can receive a free haircut!

It was fun to participate, although I have to admit that the style was quite far from the way I normally would dress up. Unbelievable what a wig and a little makeup can do^^ My friend was styled up really cutely for her pictures, while me on the other hand got a more artistic style. And you know, artistic styles can be.. Rather interesting. Haha.. But they do a lot of different themes for their photos too though, which not necessarily is as artistic as this.

Anyway, Lycée is always looking for foreigners who might be interested do modeling for them, so if you happen to be in the area and also are in the need for a free haircut, then why not.
If you're interested, then you can go ahead and contact them through their web page.

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