Thursday, July 5, 2012

Have you ever seen a 2000-yen bill?!

Although Japan has its own 2000-yen bill, it is rarely used. I've been living in Kyoto for almost two years now, but yesterday at work I actually got see a 2000-yen bill for the first time..!!! I'm very thankful to Kayo-san and CafĂ© Frosch. Haha:)... Anyway, this is what it looks like:
The 2000-yen bill is inspired by Murasaki Shikibu's Genji no Monogatari (the tale of Genji) 
Apparently the gate on the 2000-bill is the Shureimon in Okinawa!
Have you ever seen the 2000-yen bill yourself? I wonder if it really is that rare, or if I've just have had bad luck in encountering it.. :p
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