Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sightseeing in Seoul: Trying on the Korean Hanbok!

On my first day sightseeing in Seoul I dragged my new Finnish friend Tommi along to the Seoul's City Hall where I was going in order to finish the alien registration necessary for foreigners who are staying long-term in Korea. We walked from the nearest underground station, and by pure luck we discovered that by the entrance to the temple on the other side of the road, Deoksugung, they offered tourists to try the traditional Korean attire called Hanbok (한복) for free. A Korean lady helped us getting the hanbok on, and it seemed we were quite lucky with the timing, because it was just the time for one of the many daily Changing of the Guard ceremonies. Here are some pictures and videos from the day:
Tommi getting dressed up
Half way there..!
Do I look very Korean now? Probably not, but still.. ^^ 
The main gate to Deoksugung
The Changing of the Guard ceremony
The drummer
After the ceremony was done we got to take pictures with the guards.
Yellow guards. Yay:)

-Apparently you can try the Hanbok for free here between 10:30-11:40, and 13:30-16:00..!

Other blogposts:
South Korea

Hotels in South Korea


  1. Ooh, I've seen those guys in the yellow uniform before! They performed a marching and music routine at the Norwegian Military Tattoo this year.

    The Hanbok is quite bright and colorful, isn't it? Great photos as always! Looking forward to your adventures in Seoul :)

    1. Really?! NIce... I think the Korean traditional attire is quite nice with the colors, and I find especially the one for men quite interesting with the hats and everything.. ^^

      Thanks, I'm glad you like to read about what I'm up to. I'll be back with more adventures;)
      I've also tried to include more videos in my latest posts, although the camera isn't the best (I'm just using my iphone 3g..)
