Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gangnam Style & Britney Spears

Well well, I guess this post is a little bit different from my other, more serious (?) posts.
But since I'm currently living in South Korea I can't help but write a tiny post about the most popular Korean song at the moment, the so-called Gangnam Style. For those of you who still aren't familiar with the song, here it is:

This song has actually become quite popular not only in Korea, but it has also spread all over Asia and to Europe and America as well. A couple of days ago the artist, Psy, even taught Britney Spears to do the Gangnam-style dance on "The Ellen Show".!

My classmates and I actually used this song for our batch performance during the first week at school, so I guess you could say that this song will forever remind me about my year as a student in Korea. Haha..
Anyway, what do you think about the Gangnam style? :)
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