Saturday, December 15, 2012

Volunteering in the Philippines with Rise Above Cebu

Today, after nearly 21 hours of traveling (I had to spend one night sleeping at a bench in Incheon airport) I finally arrived in Cebu, where ill be spending the next three weeks of my winter vacation.
Here my first plan is to volunteer for the NGO Raise Above for two weeks, an NGO which was founded by a Danish-Norwegian couple: Flemming and Elisabet Hansen who have been working with the local community in Cebu for thirteen years.
I received a very warm welcome by them when I arrived, and was taken back to the headquarters of the organization where I will be living for the next two weeks. I will try to be effective and write a lot about my activities here during the coming weeks! Anyway, I've added a picture from my room where you can see a Rise Above-brochure, in addition to a yellow basked made by a lady in the local community. One of the projects of Rise Above has been to teach women how to make baskets from used sacks so that they can sell them on the local market, and the basket on this photo is one of these. Rise Above also have a lot of other projects which I probably will write about during my stay here. For now, feel free to check out their website.
Rise Above Basket
Before and after: Beautiful handbags made from recycled sacks

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- Anette
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