Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sightseeing in Sydney: The Bondi Beach

One of Sydney's most famous places is the Bondi Beach. Located a short bus ride outside the city centre it makes a great day trip (or if you are a surfer you might just want to stay there for the most of your stay). 

Bondi Beach

The place is especially great for surfers, and this is also the place to go for those out there who never have tried surfing before. Here you can find surfboard rentals, or take a course in surfing with some local experts.
Surfers code
During the summer this beach is almost totally packed with people, so we were quite lucky stopping by during the autumn (as you probably know, March is considered autumn down under in Australia).

There are of course loads of people who come here for other reasons too, such bathing and exercising, or just to chill out at the beach. If you like to go skateboarding they also have some areas for that, as you can see in the picture below:

We went to the beach as a part of the second day of our ticket with the Sydney City sightseeing busses, which we had used to explore Sydney during our first day in the city. As we had only bought a 24-hour ticket we had to take the bus home from the beach though, but there were several busses going towards the city centre so it wasn't hard to get back. Either way, we had a lovely day at the beach and would recommend it to anyone wanting to spend some lazy days at the beach while visiting Sydney.

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