Friday, February 26, 2016

【日本・ノルウェー協会 2016年度奨学金】 The Norway-Japan Society StudyGrant 2016

Hi everyone! Today I just wanted to share this information from the Norway-Japan Society about their 2016 Study Grant. For more information about the society please check out their website


The Norway-Japan Society Study Grant 2016
The Norway-Japan Society offers up to two study grants of JPY200,000 for the year 2016.
Applicants are to be 20 years old of age and above. Applicants must also be either Japanese who will be studying in Norway or Norwegian staying in Japan to study, for the period of 1 month to 1 year in the study year 2016.

Application papers:
Applicants are requested to make application documents explaining his/her purpose of study, study duration, and what he/she plans to do after studying in Norway/Japan. Applicants should also explain his/her financial sources. These documents must be submitted by email.
Certificate of the last academic qualifications is required either by secure email directly from the issuing educational institution or original by post. Please note we will not accept certificate of academic qualifications by email from the applicant.
Please be reminded that all documents need to be written in English.

Email address:
Post address:
The Norway-Japan Society
c/o Royal Norwegian Embassy, Information section
5-12-2 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047

Application deadline:
March 31st, 2016

Application procedure:
Completed applications will be reviewed by The Norway-Japan Society. The result of the evaluation will be notified to applicants in May prior to the General Meeting. The successful applicant will receive the grant money after the start of his/her study is confirmed by The Norway-Japan Society.
The grantee is required to attend our General Meeting in May or alternatively to write a thank you note to be read up at the General Meeting. Upon completion of the studies the grantee is also required to submit a written report.

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