Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Survived the Japanese Hospital!

So, hopefully this will be my last blogpost about hospitals in a looong time..

I broke the collar bone in my right shoulder while surfing in Bali this spring break, and since the part of the bone that broke was close to the joint the doctor told me that a surgery was necessary in order to stabilize the shoulder. To make a long story short, I ended up with a metal plate screwed to my shoulder, which has been bothering me for almost four months now. As I previously wrote, I had the chance to get another surgery here in Japan in order to get the plate removed, and last weekend I checked into the clinic where I've been going to rehabilitation since I came back to Japan.

I have to say that beside the long hours of waiting everything went really well (to be honest, the long hours were mostly spent studying so it didn't really vary that much from my normal days..).
I also had a dvd of the drama called "1 litre of tears" (1リトルの涙) with me, which I bought last year in Taiwan. Yeah, I've been busy..
I have to say that although it was a great drama I'm not sure if I would recommend it for those of you who needs entertainment while in hospital.. x)

Last but not least, I had some great friends who came visiting me, which of course made the stay a lot better.

I guess the whole point with this blogpost just was to let everybody know that the surgery went fine, and that I'm ready for some hardcore rehabilitation from now on. I miss doing sports x)...
And for those who wonders; Japanese hospitals are great x) especially the food. さすが

..My landlord even came by with a grapefruit! 
Lastly, some pictures from my weekend in hospital:
Some of my friends brought me cookies and other snack^^
And this is.. My one and only souvenir from Bali ><
Japanese hospital food.. Yummy:)


  1. To begin with, let me just say: Whoa, that piece of metal looks huge! Good thing it won't be bothering you anymore.

    Sounds like it was a nice stay at the hospital...Huh, is that grapefruit actually jelly dessert in disguise?

    1. I'm pretty glad I'm rid it too, my rehabilitation is going a lot faster now that it's gone^^!

      The hospital is nice! Apparently it is supposed to be a pretty good one too!

      Half of it was a normal grapefruit, and the other half was jelly! So you're absolutely correct;) Too bad fruit is so expensive in Japan, or I would have bought some myself from time to time^^

    2. Good to know =)

      That grapefruit almost looks tempting, especially the jelly part (I'm not a fan of the bitterness of grapefruits XP). Oh no, now I started reminiscing about the various fruit I ate when I lived in Japan! For example the white/pinkish peaches and the tasty persimmons. I guess I'm just envious because they're not as easily available in Norwegian grocery stores as in Japanese supermarkets.

    3. The grapefruit comes from a store called "Cricket", I'm not sure if it was there when you were in Kyoto but there is a store by the intersection in front of Hirano-jinja! They sell mainly fruit and so on, but I have to admit I've never actually been inside it:P..

      Japanese persimmons are good..!! ^^ I want to plant a persimmon tree in my garden if I move back to Norway in the future.. Haha:)
