Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm getting hospitalized tomorrow!

Some of my readers out there might already know the story about how I broke my shoulder when I was surfing in Bali during spring break. Since the collar bone broke close to the joint I had to go through surgery, and now I have a pretty big metal plate in my shoulder..

I have been going to rehabilitation twice a week ever since, but I still cannot lift my arm more than 70 degrees, even though it has been almost four months. The latest x-rays showed that the bone in my shoulder finally has healed, and the doctor recommended me having a new surgery as soon as possible in order to get rid of the metal plate.

Apparently they don't use this method in Japan anymore, and my physiotherapist didn't really understand why I wasn't able to lift my arm. However, my doctor suggested that the size and form of the plate is hindering my range of movement, and that I probably won't be able to lift my arm again if I don't have another surgery. Even though the bone in the shoulder has healed, it seems that the pain gets stronger every day I wake up in the morning, so I'm actually really looking forward to getting this over with!

I'm going to stay in hospital at least for four days, and I fear that it'll be rather boring..The thing is, when it comes to a Japanese hospital (or perhaps its just mine?), they do have quite a lot of strict rules one has to be aware of. Some of the rules are;
(Please abstain from using your mobile phone, including messaging, while in hospital)
(No external phone calls will be received unless in the case of emergency)
(Director's permission is needed in order to leave the building or stay overnight somewhere else)

To be honest, it almost feels like I'm heading to prison, not a hospital! Haha..

But at least the clinic has a good reputation, and I'll be happy as long as I can leave with my shoulder in one piece next week.. ;P
This will be my new home for the next four days..

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