Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend trip to Jeongju

A couple of weeks ago my dad came to visit me in Korea, and this was the first time for me to meet him since last year, when he and my anya Haini came to visit me in Kyoto.
We had decided to spend the weekend outside Seoul, as we only had the weekend, and since he would have some days to explore Seoul by himself as I had school to attend during the week. Anyway, it was great meeting my dad again, and to spend time walking around in Jeonju's beautiful traditional Korean village with him.
Here you can see my pictures from the village (한억마을), including a video from a drumming performance there.

I used the ipad-application 'Instaframe' to make this one^^


Another performer
Man skal tidlig krøkes.! So cute~
Some more highlights of the traditional Korean village

A couple getting their wedding pictures taken

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