Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Two Year Past: To Tokyo with Love

This weekend I went for a short trip to Tokyo again to celebrate the two years that have passed since me and my boyfriend started dating. Last time we met was in the beginning of October, so you can bet I was happy to see him again.
We spent a nice and quiet weekend with window-shopping, nice dinners at some of the restaurants in the area of Yuma's apartment, and we also went to watch the new James Bond movie Skyfall.
I can't believe how fast the time has passed by since we started dating, and how many great memories we share. Our backpacking trip in February-March was an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience (although we fot a little bit too much action the last week xP). Next time we meet will be in Cebu in the Philippines the end of this December! I'll be going to Cebu to work as a volunteer for two weeks, and then he'll join me in Cebu once his holiday starts.

Now it is under two weeks left of this semester, and I'm looking forward to getting away from the chilly Korean winter. But first, exams..

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