Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Year Greeting from the Philippines!

Hi again from the Philippines! The last week has been really busy in an awesome traveler's way, and I have experienced so much in these few days. After coming back to Cebu on Sunday afternoon I checked into my hotel room for the next couple of days, and waited there for my boyfriend's flight to arrive. Finally he also had gotten his holiday, and after a night in Seoul he was finally on his way to the Philippines. Since I have been living in Korea the last semester we have only had the chance to see each other a couple of times, but now that it is holiday I get to spend a whole month with him before school starts! :D
After a laid-back day on the beach we spent the last day of 2012 clubbing in an area of Cebu called Mango Avenue, which is known for its bars and clubs. It was a memorable and fun evening with a lot of dancing!
New year countdown in a Cebu club
Now it seems that we are facing yet another new year, let's hope 2013 will be as great as 2012.
My goals for the new year includes: 1. Mastering Korean, 2. Finish both my thesis 3. Pass my school's comprehensive exam, 4. Graduate, 5. Find a job!!! 화이팅!
I do also hope that I get the chance to continue experiencing interesting adventures, and I hope you'll stay in tuned with my blog and read about what I'm up to in the big world.
I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year! ;D

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- Anette
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