Monday, February 4, 2013

Intensive Korean Language Course @ Yonsei University!

I'm back in Korea ready for a three-week intensive course in Korean at Yonsei University!
Although I have been living in Korea for half a year already I haven't really had the chance to study a lot of Korean as Kyunghee University don't offer any Korean classes at the GIP campus.. So I figured out that this holiday was my best chance to really improve, and decided to spend the last part of my holiday concentrating on the language (although I still have a lot to write for my thesis, which needs to be finished my next semester!..)

Anyway, today our Korean course at Yonsei started with a short orientation and a language test! The first part was a written test; a booklet of 15 pages. We were told to do as far as we were able to do, and that we could just leave as soon as we had finished our interviews.
Although we are supposed to get the test result tomorrow, one of my new friends from the course already got her results on Yonsei's webpage today. I checked mine to, but it didn't say anything yet so I suppose I just have to wait.

Apparently they have 8 levels depending on how much Korean you know! Although I don't know that much of the sino-Korean words yet it is really helpful being fluent in Japanese.
I'm so ready for some intensive language learning!

I'll be back later with a list of between 50-100 (depending on how much time I have) Korean words you can learn in minutes if you already know Japanese (and vice versa)!

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  1. That would be awesome if you put that list up!! I've been studying Japanese for over three years now, but I'm super nervous about learning Korean. I took a course once, but it was higher then where I am. (I took it to get used to reading and writing even though I didn't always know what it was.) Even though I'll only be taking Korean in first semester, I want to arrive knowing as much as I can. Only three more weeks for me. ^_^

    1. If you have studied Japanese for three years you'll have a pretty good base for learning Korean(=^ェ^=) since many of the words are based on the same Chinese characters you can build your vocabulary very quick!
      I shall try and finish the list asap so you hopefully get it long before you come here! The study program has just been very busy so far so I'm kind of lagging behind on my blogposts :p
