Monday, May 5, 2014

Sightseeing in Saitama: Only in Japan - The Mickey Mouse Graveyard..

Minnie Mouse
It is not a surprise that Disney is popular in Japan as most Japanese people love cute things. When it comes to Disney it's basically kawaii all the way, and people buy all sorts of products branded by the company. There's nothing wrong with that, but perhaps there is a limit to how far people's fascination for Disney should go..

At this Japanese graveyard you're ensured eternal rest with Mickey Mouse watching over you
Yesterday I visited a place called Chichibu located in Saitama, about 80 minutes by train outside of Tokyo. The main purpose of the trip was to visit the Yamanagi Park famous for its pink Shibazakura fields, but on the way from the station we also passed by this rather strange graveyard.. As you can see on the picture two statues of Mickey and Minnie Mouse greet you as you enter the gate to the graveyard together with a couple more traditional Japanese statues.
The entrance to Mickey and Minnie's graveyard
I personally found it a bit creepy, but perhaps that's just me.. Anyway, I somehow found the strange mixture of popular culture and traditions very stereotypical Japanese. I wonder if they would use Disney statues by the entrance to graveyards in any other country in the world.

Recommended Hotels close to Chichibu

Ranzan Keikoku Onsen Health Center Heiseirou
Onsen Health Center Heiseirou
Nagatoro Choseikan Ryokan
Nagatoro Choseikan
Wadoh Ryokan
Ikoi no Mura Heritage Minoyama
Ikoi no Mura
Heritage Minoyama

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