Monday, September 20, 2010

Sightseeing in Jordan: Travelling from the Death Sea through Amman to Dubai

So this is probably my last post about Jordan for this time. I spent my last day in Jordan at the Mövenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea's hotel spa called Zara, which indeed was a great way to get rid of some stress before my long flight to Japan. Though I probably should have done some pre-booking yesterday; due to overbooking it wasn´t possible to get the treatment I originally had in mind.
But still thanks to good service from the people working there I got some other good options instead so all in all I was quite lucky.
Taking a taxi from the hotel to the airport in Amman only costed 45 dinars, which is quite cheap considering the distance.
The airport in Amman was truly a mess though. I really felt unsecure there.
One of the guys who worked at the airport took my luggage from me almost by force and took it through the security-check.
But he waited on the other side keeping an eye on my luggage and gave it to me right away. So I thanked him of course but then all he said was "give me money". After all he had looked after the luggage for me so I said I didn´t have dinars but perhaps some euros. I gave him a couple of coins but all he said was "give me 10 euro!"
I really felt uncomfortable and said I didn´t have any more in cash.
Then he pointed at the opposite side of the airport and told me to take out money at the ATM over there.
So I really got upset and said to him that "in my country we don´t do bribes!".
He was gone before I´d even noticed..

The rest of my trip went rather smoothly though. I gave the rest of my dinars (which in fact only was 1 dinar) to a guy I came across who was washing the floor. He seemed like an hard-working guy and I didn´t need the money anyway.
My flight was 10 minutes delayed, but I´ve got about 5 hours until my next plane leaves so I can´t say it matters..
Right now I´m at the airport in Dubai, and I´m pretty happy since I´ve got free internet connection here. The chairs aren´t that bad either.! And compared to the airport in Amman it´s actually nice and quiet as well!

Good night everyone:)

Related blogposts

All blogposts from Jordan
Hi from Jordan!
Sightseeing in 
Last days in Jordan!
Last days in Jordan! The Death Sea & A Day Trip to Israel
Sightseeing in Jordan: Petra & the Desert of Wadi Rum
Sightseeing in Jordan: 
Petra & the Desert of Wadi Rum


  1. How is life in Japan :-) Have you arrived yet?

  2. Hilsen paa vegne av Anette:
    Jeg er vel fremme..! Flyturen gikk fint og Maho moette meg paa togstasjonen i Kyoto.
    Jeg har det bra, har faatt sjekket inn paa stedet jeg skal bo og alle virker veldig hyggelige her.
    Telefonen min virker ikke, det staar bare "ingen tjeneste tilgjengelig" saa faar ikke brukt den til meldinger/aa ringe..
    Hils alle sammen!! klem

    Hilsen Trond

  3. Hei Trond! Takk for melding til oss alle her inne, det var godt å lese at hun er kommet vel fram!

    Hei Anette!
    Phuuu... Nå vet jeg hvorfor jeg ikke hørte noe fra deg:-) nå kan moren senke skuldrene og glede seg til nye eventyr:)

    klem fra mamma
