Monday, May 26, 2014

第5回東京蚤の市: Blancway Tea Store

少し前に 東京オーヴァル京王閣で行われた

A little while back I participated in the 5th Tokyo Flea Market (東京蚤の市) held in Keioukaku Velodrome (京王閣, also known as Tokyo Oval Keiokaku) together with my friend Chiaki, who was displaying products from her store Blancway.

Nordic Tea

Chiaki opened up her own store two years ago, and now she is selling Nordic tea and Nordic goods in Shibuya. Her main product for the stand at Tokyo Flea Market was Swedish tea, and she had among other things brought with her tea that is served at the Nobel Banquet.
 I participated on the second day of the flea market, and by then there was already a number of her products that had been sold out.

I had a lot of fun helping out selling tea at the flea market. But although it is interesting to talk about the different types of teas to the customers it is hard to be able to properly explain the technical details related to the tea in Japanese. I guess I have to keep on working to improve my language skills..!

Various Swedish tea
Cute Swedish tea houses
You can visit my friend Chiaki's store through the links below!

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