Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Norwegian 17. May Celebration in Tokyo 2014 - 東京でのノルウェー憲法記念日

On the 17th of May we celebrate Norway's National Day in Norway and in Norwegian communities around the world, and for the third time I had the opportunity to celebrate the day at the Norwegian Embassy in Hiroo. This day also marked 200 years since the Norwegian Constitution was written in Eidsvoll. The Norwegian Constitution was actually written in May 1814, which makes it the oldest European constitution that is still in use. It is also the second oldest constitution in the world after that of the United States, which it was inspired by. In 1814 the Norwegian Constitution was a groundbreaking document that ensured a strong focus on human rights, freedom of speech, gender and equality. 17. May marks a day that laid the foundation for the modern Norway and Norwegian democracy.
The Ombudsman for Children Anne Lindboe (left) holding a speech at the Embassy
Norwegian style buffet
The Norwegian Constitution Day is in a way also Norway's largest festival. It is a day for delicious food, great company, children's parades, music and fun. Although people have different traditions depending on for instance place and family background there are some things like salmon, sausages and waffles with the Norwegian brown cheese "brunost" that is a must for most Norwegians on this day.
Norwegian Salmon
Celebration by the Embassy pool
The Constitution Day is also known as a Children's Day, as the day is filled with games and activities for children. Children's parades is a common sight throughout the country, and Norwegian communities abroad also make their own small parades. Tokyo is not an exemption, although we unfortunately didn't have live music like in the parades back in Norway.
Norwegian parade in Tokyo
My bf and me outside the Embassy
Another thing that is special about the Norwegian Constitution Day is that it is a great opportunity to have a look at the Norwegian traditional costumes called bunad. Every area in Norway has its own unique bunad, and you can even tell a person's hometown by looking at their bunad. My bunad comes from the city Bergen on the west coast of Norway where I partly grew up, and where all my relatives live. If you look at the picture above you can see the traditional houses from Bryggen on the belt.

Some safety guards watching our parade with great interest
Although the Embassy only can open its doors to a limited number of people there are alternative places such as the Norwegian Cafe Fuglen where one can participate in fun celebrations regardless of nationality and background. In our case, after the celebration was over at the Embassy we continued to Bar Acqua Z in Shinjuku where we met up with friends to celebrate more with drinks and Norwegian waffles.! What a great day!
Norwegian party at Bar Acquaz
ノルウェー大使館のお祝いには関係者しか参加することができませんが、他にも憲法記念日をお祝いすることができる場所は幾つかあります。その代表として渋谷のオシャレな「カフェ・フグレン」がありますが、私たちの場合は今年は新宿のBAR ACQUA Z で友達とパーテェーをすることにしました。
Waffles with brunost! So yummy..
Thanks for a great celebration!

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