Monday, June 12, 2017

Dates for Pikachu Outbreak in Yokohama 2017 announced!

One of the most popular events in Yokohama in recent years, the "Pikachu Tairyou Hassei-Chu", has been scheduled to take place in Yokohama again from August 9 - 15th 2017. The title of this year's event is "ピカチュウだけじゃない ピカチュウ大量発生チュウ" or "Not only Pikachu - Pikachu Outbreak" so one can imagine that Pikachu will get company from some of his other pokemon friends this time... Like last year the festival will take place around the Minato Mirai area, and there will be various activities taking place through the whole period of the festival. 

The event is mainly taking place at the following places:
  • Minato Mirai's Sakura Dori (横浜市西区みなとみらい さくら通り) 
  • Queen's Square (クイーンズスクエア横浜) 
  • JR Sakuragicho Station (JR桜木町駅)
  • Sakuragicho Station Square (桜木町駅前広場) 
  • Nippon Maru (帆船日本丸)
  • Nippon Maru Memorial Park (日本丸メモリアルパーク) 
  • MARK IS Minato Mirai (MARK IS みなとみらい) 
  • Minato Mirai Station on the Minato Mirai Line (みなとみらい線みなとみらい駅) 
  • Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (横浜赤レンガ倉庫) 
  • Yokohama Cosmo World (よこはまコスモワールド) 
  • Landmark Plaza (ランドマークプラザ) 
  • Yokohama World Porters (横浜ワールドポーターズ)

For those who are interested in the event, check out my blog post from last year's Pikachu Outbreak here

Basic information

  • Pikachu Outbreak Yokohama - ピカチュウ大量発生チュウ!
  • (In: Sakuragicho - Minato Mirai - Nippon Maru - World Porters - Red Brick Warehouse & Vicinity)
  • ・Access: You can reach all the interesting spots by foot from Sakuragicho Station
  • ・Event Period: August 7th - 14th
  • ・Homepage: Official Page (Japanese only)

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