Tuesday, April 1, 2014

楽天入社式: Our First Day as a Rakuten Employees

The first of April marks the beginning of a new semester in Japan, and it is also the time when new employees starts their business careers. For me it meant the end of my many years as a university student, and the beginning of my life as a shakaijin working for Rakuten Inc, Japan's largest e-commerce company.

The registration started pretty early, and some of us (dependent on surname) had to meet up at the Rakuten Tower at 6:45 am this morning. Once a week Rakuten is having a morning meeting called the Asakai, and since this week's Asakai coincided with the Welcome Ceremony for new graduates I have a feeling that we might have had to be present earlier than what has been the standard for previous welcome ceremonies.
Flowers in bloom in front of the Rakuten Tower
Anyway, I will of course not go too much into detail about the actual content of the ceremony, as it is confidential information. All I can say is that we had a long and informative day filled with a lot of speeches from among others our CEO Mikitani-san, other superiors and one of our douki
At the Welcome Ceremony
From tomorrow on we are beginning our training period, where we'll learn all the necessary basics to ensure that we can succeed in our careers in the company. I'm looking forward to the many challenges ahead!
View from Rakuten's cafeteria

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