Sunday, November 19, 2017

Tokyo Restaurants: Fish your own meal at the Fishing Restaurant ZAUO

Tokyo might not be the first destination that you'd think of for your next fishing trip. But if you want to try and catch your own dinner without the risk of having to go home with an empty stomach there are indeed options available for you. As an expat living in Tokyo I usually would cook my own dinner at home, but this time I took my visiting family to the fishing restaurant Zauo in Shibuya where we tried it out for ourselves. 
Above: Visiting Zauo Shibuya with my father and grandmother
At the restaurant you get the chance to choose between fishing the dinner yourself or simply choosing something that's already on the menu. Since we were there for the experience we did of course decide to catch the dinner ourselves.
Above: My grandmother checking out some of the options available. 
Above: Top shells. These are a part of the set menu where you don't have to do any actual fishing.
Above: The interior of the restaurant resembles a fishing boat at sea
Above: First it is time to choose your rod and get ready
Above: Dinner was an easy catch. Here with my darling and my grandmother
Another fun detail was that when you catch your fish the staff will play you a short taiko (drum) piece.
Above: Price list for the fish you can catch yourself
You can choose between having your freshly caught fish prepared for you as sashimi (raw slices of fish), sushi, grilled, boiled or as tempura. Of course we had to try one of each. You can also have one fish prepared in two different styles.
In addition to a range of seafood the restaurant also serves some desserts like ice cream and small chocolate cakes.
Although this restaurant might not be the most interesting option for those of you who like the challenge outdoor fishing can bring it was definitely fun as a family activity. Getting the fish prepared for us right away also meant that we could get it completely fresh, which although not uncommon in Japan still felt quite satisfying considering we also had caught it ourselves. Either way there's really no country that does fish better than Japan, so if you find yourself up for some seafood this restaurant would definitely be worth a visit. Just notice that it is a very popular restaurant, so if you have the chance make sure to reserve in advance!

 Basic Info
  • ・Restaurant: Zauo Shibuya
  • ・Address:High Manten Jinnan Building B1F, 1-19-3, Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0041
  • ・Homepage:

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- Anette

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