Egyptian Banquet at Café Frosch - Vikingess Voyages

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Egyptian Banquet at Café Frosch

This semester I will be working part-time at a local café called Café Frosch (Frosch is the German word for frog), which is located close to the shrine Kitano-Tenmangu (北野天満宮) in the northern part of Kyoto. Truth to be told, I was actually supposed to start once I got back from my round-trip in South-East Asia, but since I broke my shoulder the last week of my trip I'm still in the middle of rehabilitation training and can't do too much yet, unfortunately ><..
Still, there are a lot of events going on in Café Frosch, and this Friday I went to participate in their "Melting Pot" night.

For a short introduction, Café Frosh is an international café with visitors and staff from all over the world. Like previously mentioned they do have a lot of events at the café, and for instance the last Friday of every month they are having a "Melting Pot" evening where one can try out specialities from different countries. This week my friend India was in charge, and she made us some really delicious Egyptian food. These events are quite popular; there are only capacity for 40 guests, so one even needs to make a reservation in advance to ensure a seat.!
Guests waiting in line for some delicious Egyptian food.
Some of the Egyptian food we got served.
As it was my first time in Café Frosh as a staff member I got introduced to the rest of the staff too! I actually know some of them already through the SKP-program at Ritsumeikan, but there were some new faces as well. At Café Frosch it is not only about the international food, but also about experiencing other cultures and languages as well. Thus, the people working here are quite international; the staff of the day came from countries such as America, Switzerland, Mexico, Sweden, England, France and Japan. And one from Norway too, namely me..! Locals come here to practice their English, and foreigners can have a shot at Japanese too. And of course, each one of us have unique backgrounds and can help out with other languages as well. Som for eksempel norsk, hvis noen skulle være interessert:)

Anyway, the evening was a great success, and I think each one of us had a really good time.
For more information about Café Frosch, please feel free to check out their home page as well;)
Café Frosch after the guests have left
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About Anette
Anette came to Japan as an exchange student in 2010, met the love of her life and got stuck. From her base in Tokyo she writes about her experiences as a full-time worker in Tokyo and about her travels in Japan and abroad. She's a free-spirited adventurer who enjoys both the great outdoors and her urban lifestyle.

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Adventures ofAnette

A modern day shield-maiden who loves to explore the unbeaten paths of the world. From her base in Tokyo, Anette takes on both rural and urban challenges, and goes by the motto "No challenge too big, no adventure too small"!
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