July 2011 - Vikingess Voyages

Sunday, July 31, 2011

LA: Adventurers Hotel

1:54:00 PM
Here in Los Angeles I'm staying at a place called Adventurers Hotel. It is centered at Century Blvd not that far from the airport. It is a bit far from everything else though to be honest, but luckily they've got a couple of services that makes staying here a bit easier. First of all they have a free...

LA: Sightseeing in Hollywood

12:42:00 PM
 Hi everyone, here comes my first blogpost from Los Angeles! I arrived in America two days ago after a veery long trip (Kyoto - Tokyo by night bus, and then Tokyo - Taipei (Taiwan) - Los Angeles by plane. Arriving in Los Angeles it took me about 2 hours getting through the security procedures,...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


9:07:00 PM
Today I finished my last exam at Ritsumeikan, which means that I've completed the SKP - Study in Kyoto Program (If I didn't fail any of my exams..). It has been a great year, I am really happy that I decided to go to Kyoto. But now it is time for new adventures for a while: tonight I'm going by...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Yamaha Summer Camp!

11:53:00 PM
This weekend I have been in Mie-ken (三重県) working at Yamaha English School's summer camp teaching Japanese children English!  Most of the adults participating in the camp were already Yamaha staff members except for me, April and Jimmy. (And actually, my friend Ericka was supposed to do this...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

About Seiki-classes at Ritsumeikan

12:26:00 AM
This semester I have been taking classes as a so-called seiki-student at Ristumeikan. This might sound a bit mystical, but seiki is just the Japanese word for normal or regular (正規), which in this case means that I can take regular classes at Ritsumeikan with the Japanese students. Personally...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Gion Festival - 祇園祭

11:34:00 PM
The Gion Matsuri is one of Japans most famous festivals, and it takes place in Kyoto in July every year. The festival lasts for weeks, with new things happening every day, which is a good thing for me since I have been quite busy writing reports the last couple of days. But this morning I finally finished...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Nattō 納豆アイス Ice Cream!

9:47:00 PM
For those who aren't familiar with nattō, we are talking Japanese fermented soyabeans.. In Japan it is quite common to eat nattō, specially with rice, but for some reason it seems like nattō scores high on the list of Japanese food foreigners tend to dislike. I must admit though, that I think nattō...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Things you can do with a 1-yen coin

6:59:00 PM
-The coins are made of aluminum, and therefor it is actually possible to use scissors to cut them into pieces.. (but if you are that desperate to get rid of them, you could always put them in a charity collection box or something;) -The size of it is 20 mm in a diameter, so if you line up 5 of the...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) 1!

11:22:00 AM
For people studying Japanese the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) can be used as a way to measure your language skills, and the levels arrange from 5 to 1, where 1 is the highest. To be able to get a decent job in Japan (besides teaching English I guess) you need to at least have passed Level...
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About Me

Adventures ofAnette

A modern day shield-maiden who loves to explore the unbeaten paths of the world. From her base in Tokyo, Anette takes on both rural and urban challenges, and goes by the motto "No challenge too big, no adventure too small"!
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