15 Ways to Overcome Procrastination - Vikingess Voyages

Friday, December 19, 2014

15 Ways to Overcome Procrastination

Recently things have been very busy at work and I haven't had the chance to do much at all outside of the working place. This of course means that the little time that is left becomes extremely important, but as you know there are plenty of distractions in our daily life that keep us from being productive in terms of finishing the things we actually need to get done. I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with this dilemma, and this is why I wanted to share this neat little photographic that hopefully can help you if you also are faced with the temptation to procrastinate. With that said, enjoy your weekend!

Picture Credit: 9gag
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About Anette
Anette came to Japan as an exchange student in 2010, met the love of her life and got stuck. From her base in Tokyo she writes about her experiences as a full-time worker in Tokyo and about her travels in Japan and abroad. She's a free-spirited adventurer who enjoys both the great outdoors and her urban lifestyle.

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Adventures ofAnette

A modern day shield-maiden who loves to explore the unbeaten paths of the world. From her base in Tokyo, Anette takes on both rural and urban challenges, and goes by the motto "No challenge too big, no adventure too small"!
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