Norway Food Festival
A little while ago the Norway-Japan Society arranged a Norway Food Festival in Tokyo, an event that also happened to be the first of its kind arranged by the society.
Dressed up for the food festival
As a board member I helped planning out the event, and along with a couple of the other board members we brought along our own homemade Norwegian food for the participants. My boyfriend and I spent all Saturday evening making Norwegian meatballs, known as kjøttkake (meat cake) in Norwegian. I don't have any pictures of the meatballs, but here are some Norwegian waffles made by one of the other board members for the event:
Norwegian waffles
The event was a great opportunity to introduce a bit of Norwegian culture to our participants. In addition to serving some Norwegian dishes we also demonstrated how to cook them as well. We did the same program twice, and during the event we had over 40 guests participating in the small office we had borrowed for the day.
Jens Simon demonstrating how to cook baccalao
Mami-san helping out making waffles
At the end of our program we also had a small concert with my colleague Will, who is aiming to be a professional musician. He is American, but we had him sing his own version of the Norwegian artists A-ha and M2M. I don't have any videos of his performance available yet, but please feel free to check out his talent on soundcloud.
The Norway-Japan Society arranges many events throughout the year. If you're interested in learning more, please check out the society's homepage or Facebook page.
Related blogposts
- All blogposts from Tokyo
- All blogposts about Norwegian stuff abroad
- Yokohama : Norwegian Skolebolle in World Porters
- Norway Food Festival in Tokyo!
- Tokyo Cafes: Cafe Fuglen - Norwegian style Coffee & Vintage Furniture
- Norwegian 17. May Celebration in Tokyo 2014 - 東京でのノルウェー憲法記念日
- Norway Yumenet Presentation in Tokyo (Norsk Salong)
- Japan Hardanger Club (日本ハルダンゲルクラブ) Performance at the Norwegian Embassy
- Norway in Japan: Arne & Carlos Knitting Event
- Celebrating Norway's National Day at the Embassy in Tokyo!
- NHK on Norwegian Slow TV/NHK放送:ノルウェーのスローテレビ
- NHK E-Tele: "Gretel's Magical Oven" and Norwegian Waffles
- The Norway-Japan Society: Yakatabune Dinner Cruise on the Tokyo Bay (屋形船)